Vonder the Pally Bro
Nobel, proud but not arrogant
Helpful, determined
Easily flustered by lewd things
Loves his GF, supportive
Absolute boyscout
Not dumb but not smart
Very inexperienced at sex
Extremely vanilla (just missionary’s good enough for me type)
Think Launchpad McQuack from Ducktales if he was a WoW Pally
Chiseled patrician features
Big Muscles, Strong, broad shoulders, blond hair
Armor is very chest and shoulder heavy, ornate and gaudy
Will be in his heart pattern boxers for most of the game.
This is the character you will play for the game Short Nite, trying to sneak around a Tavern full of horny shortstacks, trying to not get caught so you GF doesn't find out.
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